Taking the first step to becoming an entrepreneur can be exciting, but it’s also a real challenge and a learning curve which will force you to improve your entrepreneurial skills. To be successful, you have to bear certain qualities in mind.
Montserrat Vendrell, partner at Alta Life Sciences, and Rafael Vilasanjuan, director of the Global Analysis and Development Department at ISGlobal (both of them mentors at Ignite·Health Barcelona, an entrepreneurship program promoted by Biocat which just recently kicked off) provide you with the keys you need to become a successful entrepreneur.
1. Teamwork. The ability to work in a group and with people from different fields.
2. Passion and commitment. Especially for the project. Because at certain points, it requires large doses of effort and dedication.
3. Empathy. This is essential in order to be flexible and not lose sight of the world.
4. Self-questioning. Being critical of ourselves and knowing what we can bring to the table.
5. Equity. It is important to have a clear picture of what we want to achieve with our project: Earning profits or benefitting people.
If you want to learn all the tips to becoming a healthcare entrepreneur, don’t miss these videos, which will help you take this step successfully thanks to the insight of the experts Montserrat Vendrell and Rafael Vilasanjuan.